Friday, March 19, 2010

OC's Railroad Crossing Safety Enhancement Project

Construction crews, dust and road detours are all part of OCTA’s effort to enhance safety at more than 50 railroad crossings throughout Orange County.

OCTA’s board of directors approved the $70 million project to enhance safety for drivers and pedestrians and provide the opportunity for cities to apply to the Federal Railroad Administration for a quiet zone to help enhance the quality of life for residents along the rail corridor. A quiet zone is an area along the train tracks where trains do not need to routinely sound their horns unless of an emergency on the tracks.

Construction began in August 2009 and is underway in the cities of Orange and Anaheim. Some safety enhancements include raised medians in the middle of the road and additional crossing gate arms for drivers and pedestrians to discourage them from going around lowered gates that allow for a train to pass.

The OC Register just posted an online story about our project – it’s a must read! There’s also a lot of information on the OCTA web page including a construction schedule. I encourage you to sign up to receive weekly e-updates about construction in your neighborhood and to see if your daily commute may be impacted by our construction work.

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