Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pedestrian Killed by Train in Riverside

A young man was killed Wednesday night in Riverside as he and his friends walked along the train tracks and he was struck by a freight train.

This is honestly so sad and it breaks my heart. My thoughts and prayers go out to this young man's family.

Although I do not know the details of this tragic incident, please visit Press Enterprise for the full story, I do know that we can all learn something from this - stay off the tracks!

We have no business or place being on or near railroad tracks, it's that simple. Train tracks are private property and if we are on or near them, it's considered trespassing and is illegal. Oh and more importantly, it's DANGEROUS!

I've seen people listening to music on their iPods as they walk/jog/run on the tracks and it boggles my mind. A train can come through at anytime and up to 80 miles per hour - get off the tracks folks!

The young man who died didn't have to, his death was preventable. I hope that we can all learn something from this tragic incident, please pass this message on to your family and friends.

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